FSC华信创(北京)认证中心和RR 签署了FSC/COC 审核的分包合作协议, 华信创(北京)认证中心作为RR在中国的FSC/COC业务的唯一合法合作方,将在中国开展RR的FSC/COC审核分包业务。华信创(北京)认证中心有限公司在RR的授权下,在中国开展FSC 产销监管链认证业务,为中国客户提供FSC产销监管链认证服务。RUSSIAN REGISTER 为俄罗斯最大的国际认证机构,认证领域全面,包括:SA8000、ISO 9001、ISO14001、ISO27001、FSC等。如果你想获得更多有关RR的FS认证信息,可点击链接:https://rusregister.ru/en/activities/forest-certification/chain-of-custody-certification/ HXC and RR have signed the FSC/COC Audit Outsourcing Agreement, HXC will develop the FSC/COC audit business in China as an only legal FSC/COC audit contractor of RR in China. HXC will develop the FSC Chain of Custody certification business under RR authorization, and will provide FSC Chain of Custody certification service for all customers in China. RR is a biggest internationally recognized Russian certification body, its certification field including SA8000, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO27001, FSC, etc. If you want to get more FSC information from RR, please click the link:https://rusregister.ru/en/activities/forest-certification/chain-of-custody-certification/ Complaint and appeal 投诉与申诉如果你想了解华信创 的申投诉处理程序,请阅读这个文件。 If you want to know information about HXC's complaint and appeal procedure,please read this document. HXC-GK-05 Appeal, complait handle procedure-update.pdf RR Claim control procedure for FSC COC针对华信创分包的RR FSC COC,如果你想了解俄罗斯 RR 的申投诉处理程序,可点击链接
If you want to know information about RR's complaint and appeal procedure, please click the link
客户和机构的职责权力Rights and duties of customer and CB.pdf FSC规范性文件FSC-POL-01-004 V2-0 EN Policy for Association.pdf FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1 EN Chain of Custody Certification of Multiple Sites.pdf FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0 FSC Standard FSC Standard for Chain of Custody Certification.pdf FSC-STD-40-004_V3-1_FSC Standard FSC Standard for Chain of Custody Certification.pdf FSC-STD-40-004a_V2-1_EN_FSC_Product_Classification.pdf FSC-STD-40-007_V2-0 Sourcing reclaimed material for use in FSC Product Groups.pdf FSC-DIR-20-011_EN_COC_Evaluations_2022-03-30.pdf FSC-DIR-40-004_EN_2021-11-02.pdf 如果你想查询证书有效性,请查询FSC数据库:http://info.fsc.org |